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Syracuse University 2021 MA: Public Diplomacy and Global Communications


University of Mount Union 2018 BA: International Business and Economics, Spanish, Minor International Affairs and Diplomacy


Hometown: Uniontown, OH

Career Aspirations: I pretty much go with the flow and am open to a variety of fields. I do not have a dream job as I believe each opportunity presented is for a reason, though I do aspire to work in either monitoring and evaluation, a project manager, or in a communications position.


Proudest Professional Achievement: In 2019, one of the largest clients I was working with signed a new legal contract with our company that was a complete overhaul of the old one. The contract was highly customized and there was no precedence to compare to. It was not designed in a way to fit into our system, and we had global disputes on how to make it work. I worked extensively with the account team and our process analysts to reconcile the North American Database, get new products flowing into the system, ensure no manual work had to be done, ensure proper revenue recognition, and ensure the customer saw no change to their invoice. We produced an accurate invoice on time that met all our objectives, and then worked with the customer to explain the changes and ensure we were paid on time. The customer loved the new format and the explanation, and the clean transition keeping the customer in the center was my crowning achievement.


Free time: My free time is spent with my dogs exploring Northeast Ohio! I live with two: a senior Shiba Inu mix named Zoey and an energetic young pug named Leo. She loves nothing more than a walk and a treat, meanwhile all he wants to do is play with everything under the sun. I do my best to spoil them when I am free. I do enjoy swimming, but nothing too intense anymore. I swam competitively through college, and now enjoy it for relaxation purposes. I do look to get back into open water swimming though in the near future!


Favorite Quote: “Now we have the tools to transform the world and open a constellation of opportunities for everyone”.


Pet Peeve: I am an Oxford Comma advocate, so when it is not used, I do get a bit annoyed. It truly changes the meaning of phrases and I do believe it is not valued enough

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